
Lose the Lice with Lycelle

Pesticide-Free Lice Removal Kit sold at Walgreens

By Lycelle Lice Removal June 14, 2017

Head lice are:

  • More common than you think! Between 6-12 million U.S. kids 3-11 years old get head lice each year across all ethnic and socioeconomic classes.1

  • NOT dangerous, but are contagious (and annoying).

  • NOT signs of unclean hair. They can thrive in clean hair!

  • NOT able to jump, fly or swim.

However, lice DO itch, and can be a challenge to get rid of. Many home remedies result in incomplete removal which leads to re-infestations, frustration and embarrassment. I still remember getting head lice as a child--NOT a fond memory. I remember feeling grossed-out as my mom dug around in my hair trying to remove every last head louse and egg from my scalp. Eww! I also had to endure noxious and caustic pesticides on my scalp in hopes of getting rid of the lice. What was worse, sometimes multiple applications were required because they did not work the first time. Not fun for the parent or child.

I am a mom now and I am thrilled to have a new, effective, non-toxic option to remove head lice: Lycelle Head Lice Removal Kit. Why do I think Lycelle so great? 

  • It is effective the very first time. That’s right, one, 10-minute application of Lycelle is all that’s needed to kill super lice, lice & eggs.

  • It is free of pesticides! This brings me peace of mind, especially since we’re already ingesting enough pesticides through our food and water. What’s more, a report in 2015 indicated that in 25 states (including California), many forms of lice have developed resistance to over-the-counter treatments containing pesticides (i.e. super lice).2

  • It is free from strong chemical odors, and has a wintergreen scent. Nice!

Here’s one last Lycelle fact that convinced me: before today, Lycelle could only be obtained by prescription. I don’t know about you, but I feel that prescription products are more potent and effective. Let’s face it, lice infestations happen and as a mom I don’t want to be caught unprepared. Having prescription-strength Lycelle available over the counter means that I can have it on hand in case I spot the signs of lice infestation. No more making an appointment with the doctor and then waiting on the pharmacy to fill my prescription--saving time off work and hassle!

With the summer heat coming, head lice can become more of an issue at daycares, schools, summer camps, etc. It's great that Lycelle is conveniently available at our local Walgreens, and if youfollow this link you can print a coupon for $5 off any Lycelle purchase. There is no better time like the present to add Lycelle to our “mommy preparedness kit.” I wish that my mom had this at her disposal when I caught lice all those years ago!

Click here for more information on the Lycelle Head Lice Removal Kit.

* Lycelle conducted research through a third-party vendor and the above testimonials were obtained through this research process.



Disclaimer: I was compensated and provided a sample of this product for the purpose of this article. The opinions and words expressed are my own.